It's a day this community has been waiting for since the team stepped off the football field at the conclusion of last season.
The players have been prepping for this night, for this season the same amount of time. It started months ago well before the sun began to bake the landscape. It started in homes and gyms around town. It started on the streets around town early in the morning.
In the last month, the intensity of preparation has been ratcheted up in organized practices. And that's where the bonds of team began to form. It's that cohesiveness and your strength as one unit that has allowed each player to endure the two-a-day practices on 100-plus degree days.
But for what?

This isn't about fame. This isn't about fortune.
This is about the guy next to you. The guy who you know has put in as much time and effort as you — blood, sweat, but no tears. This is the guy who you know, no matter what happens on that field, has your back on every snap of the ball.
This is about making your parents proud, making your community proud.
This is about love of the game we've all grown up watching since we were little kids.
This is your time to shine. Get out there and show the opponent your strengths. You have no weaknesses.
After you've given it your all for four quarters and the final seconds tick off the clock, always remember, no matter what the end result, you shake the opponent's hand and congratulate them. They've worked hard as well. They've earned your respect as you have theirs.
Go out there tonight and make Burnet proud! We're behind you all the way in 2010!
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